Tips to manage Low Back Pain
What we’ll cover
Tips to manage Low Back Pain
Studies show that between 60 – 80% of the population will experience back pain. Non-specific low back pain with no serious underlying pathology is diagnosed in the majority of these cases. If your back hurts, don’t ignore the pain. The sooner that pain is addressed, the quicker the recovery time and the less likelihood of recurrent episodes.
Try the following advice to help keep you active and injury free!
Standing posture:
Think tall: chest lifted, shoulders relaxed. Imagine a piece of string between your belly button and your chest. Draw the piece of string to make it as taut as possible.
Don’t sit for too long. Ideally no more than 20 minutes. A lumbar cushion can also help, especially in the car.
Stay fit and healthy. Healthy body weight is less strain on your back. Your physiotherapist can show you a range of exercises to assist with back flexibility and strengthening your abdominal and core muscles. Consider a supervised strength program or clinical pilates.
Seek help:
Early intervention with physiotherapy is proven to decrease the likelihood of recurrent back pain episodes. Your physiotherapist will not only address your symptoms but also the underlying cause of your pain. The earlier you seek help, the quicker and easier it will be to rehabilitate back to full, pain free function.