What we’ll cover

    Family Fit

    Family Fit is our latest service to be launched at Malvern East Physiotherapy. Our team prides itself on keeping the community active and injury free and this is even more pertinent throughout this COVID-19 period.

    With school, club and representative sports being postponed for the indefinite future, our team is keen to keep your skills sharp whilst also remaining fit and active. Our physiotherapists have developed specialised circuits tailored to different age groups ranging from year 5 to year 12.

    Classes will be kept to individual families living in the same household, up to a maximum of 4 participants for the current period as we ensure adherence to social distancing principles. Furthermore, restricting the  number of participants allows our team to ensure that you are performing exercises with correct technique and are getting the most out of your exercise.

    These circuits will be of benefit regardless of what sport your child plays, as we focus on generalised sport specific movement patterns and strength rather than sport specific skills.

    Each circuit will include 8 stations each with a specific purpose as outlined below.

    1.     Glute Activation
    2.     Jump and Land technique
    3.     Agility
    4.     Cardiovascular Fitness
    5.     Lower Limb Strength
    6.     Upper Limb Strength
    7.     Abdominal Strength
    8.     Stability/Balance

    The sessions will be run in a circuit-based format mimicking that of HIIT (high-intensity interval training). Each class will be supervised by one of our trained physiotherapists who will facilitate technique and give both progressions and regressions should they be required.

    Parents are more than welcome to come along too with a separate full body strengthening circuit available also.

    To organise your Family Fit session, call our clinic today.

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