What we’ll cover

    Healthy Ageing

    Healthy Ageing seminar

    Last week our physiotherapist Frances Brown was invited to attend the Rotary Club of Malvern to discuss healthy ageing.

    She discussed how diet and fitness are two of the biggest influence on our general health and how we can age healthily.

    “Good health not only helps older Australians to enjoy a good quality of life and to participate fully in the community, but also helps to reduce their demands for health and aged care services. This is important as Australia’s population ages over coming decades.” – Australian Institute of Health and Welfare

    Healthy Ageing – Her top tips :

    • Keeping active with an aim of two and a half hours of moderate intensity exercise per week
    • A combination of exercise to include cardiovascular exercise, resistance training and balance
    • A balanced diet of two serves of fruit and five serves of vegetables per day
    • Not eliminating total food groups but rather monitoring portion sizes so that you can still eat delicious foods that fit dietary guidelines

    Healthy Ageing

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