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    Is your neck giving you a headache?

    Neck headache – or cervicogenic headache – is a common condition referring to headache which is originating from the neck or upper spine. Cervicogenic headache can originate from a variety of muscular structures around the upper spine and base of the skull. These include the upper neck joints, neck muscles and nerves.

    Cervicogenic headaches can often be misdiagnosed due to it’s common symptoms with other headaches such as migraines. Accurate and prompt diagnosis is important to guide the correct treatment and identification of your headache.

    Symptoms of cervicogenic headache can include one or more of the following:
    • Radiating headache from the front to the back of your head
    • Headache which can be affected by neck movement, sustained postures, or sleeping
    • Headache affecting the right or left side of the head
    • Temporary relief when applying pressure to the neck or base of skull

    Even if your neck isn’t stiff or sore, you can still experience cervicogenic headaches!

    Your physiotherapist is equipped to accurately and quickly diagnose the nature of your headache. It is important to address the primary factors which may be causing your headache. An ergonomic assessment by our physiotherapists of your work station or office environment can often give clues as to why the headache may occur.

    Physiotherapy treatment for cervicogenic headache can often provide immediate relief. An exercise program is often also provided to assist with posture, flexibility and stability.

    At Malvern East Physiotherapy, our team have a strong interest and expertise in the treatment of cervicogenic headaches. Call us today on 9571 6888.

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