What we’ll cover
  1. How is pilates conducted at Malvern East Physiotherapy?
  2. What does this mean for me?

Pilates – can I claim on private health?

Malvern East Physiotherapy takes a holistic approach to supervised exercise using a range of pilates exercise using the reformer, trapeze, weights and cardiovascular equipment.  Our physio-supervised exercise programs are specifically tailored and individualised for your needs and rehabilitation.


You may be aware that as of the 1st of April, the government is implementing new private health insurance reforms.  In addition to simplifying levels of cover, these reforms are designed to remove extras for a range of services with limited evidence.  You may have been informed that “pilates” is no longer covered under the changes to natural therapies extras.

However, Clinical Pilates was not separated or differentiated as part of these reforms.  Clinical pilates involves developing individual programs of physiotherapy exercises that aim to treat an injury, tone and stretch your body, correct poor posture, alignment and movement patterns.  Not only will these exercises improve a wide range of conditions but also reduce the risk of injury and re-injury in the future.  Common conditions that benefit from clinical pilates include low back pain, neck pain, headaches and shoulder pain.

How is pilates conducted at Malvern East Physiotherapy?

Malvern East Physiotherapy has always offered individualised and tailored treatment programs which can include exercise through our Clinical Pilates program, Clinical Strength or Peak programs.

All our supervised exercise programs are conducted by qualified and experienced physiotherapists with advanced and further training.  Malvern East Physiotherapy’s holistic approach to exercise has meant that pilates management has often utilised a range of equipment including the reformer, trapeze, weights, steps, resistance bands and cardiovascular equipment.  Our goal orientated approach ensures that everyone is provided with their own specialised program administered at the highest standard by our physiotherapists.

What does this mean for me?

Our individual and group sessions will continue to be claimable through your private health insurance with extras.

Should you have any questions on the matter, please do not hesitate to contact us directly on 9571 6888.

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